Thursday, October 27, 2005

OK, since everybody and her brother has a blog, I guess it's time we added our (my) logorrheic discharges to the internet too. And when you consider that we finally feel like we're getting our lives back from back-to-back babies and moving, it's really important for me to waste more time on the internet than I have been previously. Especially when you consider that we have a blazing fast 48kbps internet connection, and are such luddites we don't even get broadcast TV, much less cable. (For those of you young enough that broadcast sounds vaguely similar to broadband, it's not. Broadcast television is a mid-20th century technology in which television shows are transmitted through the air, for free, of all things. Kind of like radio. Except not quite like XM.)

OK, so it begins - and maybe ends. We'll see how long I can keep up at this. At the very least, maybe I can finally keep in touch with family here.

To start us off, here's a picture of said back-to-back babies, appropriately, back-to-back: