Friday, November 07, 2008

Politic or Treat

We live in a mostly Obama neighborhood, but with a healthy number of McCain signs around. The girls have been big on pointing out both the Obama and McCain signs. We have studiously avoided saying anything bad about McCain or Palin, telling the girls that we're Obama supporters because we think Obama's plans are better. Simple, positive terms. Even so, the girls (mostly Lily) have been in the habit of saying, "oh no! John McCain!" when they see a new McCain sign in the neighborhood. We SWEAR it's not because of us.

We went out trick or treating around the neighborhood on Halloween. Most of the houses had either no sign in the yard or an Obama sign. About three quarters of the way through our trick-or-treating, we finally came to a McCain sign at a house with lit jack o'lanterns. Lily stops and points it out - "Look! John McCain!" I explain to her, "that's okay, 'different folk have different views.' These are our neighbors, so just go say 'trick or treat' and 'thank you.'" I pause for a second and add, just in case, "Oh, and don't say anything bad about John McCain while you're at their door, OK?" "OK." They go, get their candy, and we're on our way.

A few houses later we come to another John McCain sign. Julia is already halfway to the door when Lily stops at the sign and says, "Look, Dad! John McCain!" I say again, "Remember, Lil, 'different folk have different views?' Now go on."

Lily runs after Julia, shouting at the top of her lungs as she goes,

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