Thursday, November 03, 2005

While I was in the hospital, Debbie sat down with Julia to write me a card. After much interrogation, here is what Debbie got out of Julia:

Dear Daddy,
I love you, Daddy. Max(1) is the best doggie, but you’re the best man. Daddy fixes something. I like to have breakfast with you, Daddy, every day. You make me oatmeal, and maybe cake. Daddy cleans the table after breakfast. Sometimes Daddy takes me to school. He takes me to the grocery store to see the bull(2). (A bull is kind of like a cow, Mommy.) We miss you (and we miss Jessica). Come home soon!
Julia & Lily

1: Max is Gramma & Papa’s dog
2: Three months ago, I took Julia to a grocery store near here that has a big bull, woven from straw, over the butcher shop. She hasn’t been back to that store since, but remembers this tiny detail from the trip. Shows what we each consider important - what I remember from the trip was the great selection of fish that this store has.

Debbie wrote me a card of her own, which I'm keeping to myself. Suffice to say it was wonderful and sweet and just what I needed to read in the midst of all this.

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